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    Schuster Beflockungstechnik GmbH & Co. KG

    Windeckstr. 1


    +49 9645 9412-0

    In more than twenty years of business, the SCHUSTER Beflockungstechnick GmbH & CO.KG has established itself in the field of flocking moldings. "We make the impossible possible!" Flock is for us more than just a surface which is applied to various materials. Under flocking we understand to understand the interaction between man, substrate, Flock, adhesive, static electricity and the environment. Recognize the limits of feasible and are extending this continues. not to recognize the status of "Q" and always putting themselves in question in order to achieve the optimum result. Flock means for us with all senses UNDERSTAND, SEE, FEEL, PERCEIVING. This velvety coating distinctive thrilled us again and again. Each new task brings our creativity and our explorer urge expressed and increases up to the immeasurable. Flock is for some just a word. We imply emotions: Velvety feel, protective layer, soothing damping, sensual look.

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